Putting together a capsule collection inspired by Barbie for The Museum of Arts and Design’s latest exhibition, Barbie: A Cultural Icon, was like a dream come true.
Like so many others, my love for Barbie began in childhood. Not surprisingly, my collection was extensive. I could play with my Barbie dolls for hours dressing, undressing, and then dressing them again; combing their lovely long locks; imagining their incredible lives.
As I grew older, I collected countless Barbies designed by well known brands like Ralph Lauren, DKNY and Burberry, to name a few. I especially adored Barbies that were replicas of their earlier iterations, such as the original Barbie in her black and white bathing suit (first released in 1959), and my all-time favorite, “Solo in the Spotlight”, who seemed the epitome of elegance and glamor. Unlike other children who were frustrated by the idea of keeping their dolls in a box, I was happy to admire these though clear plastic window panes, knowing they would forever remain pristine.
For me, Barbie represented the ultimate fashion icon, not an ideal I believed I had to emulate. I understood her physique to be absurd; that’s what made her such a perfect model for her outrageous wardrobe. She was simply a lovely miniature mannequin.
Although I stopped collecting Barbie dolls and other Barbie-related products as an adult, I never stopped following her progress. I still love walking toy aisles to see how she keeps up with the times. I’m happy to see she has evolved to represent so many more kinds of women, both physically and conceptually. Her career paths are always new and interesting, and her wardrobe choices remain cutting edge.
It wasn’t until I saw the Barbie movie last summer that I really began to appreciate the undeniable social impact this doll has had. I saw Barbie opening weekend, expecting just a fun time. Although I did laugh for nearly two hours straight, this was not the frivolous experience I had anticipated. I found myself crying, cheering and feeling seen. It was like the film was speaking to me directly, hitting my nostalgia right in the sweet spot while also addressing so much of what I struggle with as a woman.
(I have to take a moment to praise Greta Gerwig – my fellow Barnard College alumna – for knocking it out of the park!)
It has been really exciting to see Barbie right back into the center of the conversation. Love her or hate her, you cannot deny Barbie has been a powerful force for half a century. And as long as she is inspiring debate, thoughtfulness, and discourse, she is doing her job.
You can now probably imagine my excitement when I learned there was to be an exhibition at MAD celebrating Barbie as a cultural icon… and my elation when I was asked to put together a collection of jewelry for The Store to coincide with the event!
It was clear to me the collection had to be driven by pink with black and white accents. (After all, who is Barbie without her signature colors?) I used many different shades of pink in a variety of gemstones including rose quartz, pink tourmaline, lepidolite, cherry quartz, morganite, as well as white howlite, white jade, black onyx, black spinel and more.
Just like Barbie, we all need plenty of options for accessorizing, so you’ll find earrings, long necklaces, chokers and bracelets, ensuring there’s something for everyone.
Whether you are a fan of Barbie or not, I hope you will enjoy this collection. It’s available now at The Store at MAD!
If you're not able to visit The Store, please feel free to get in touch to find out more, or create your own custom Barbie-inspired piece of jewelry!