The name Park & Lex represents Park Avenue and Lexington Avenue, two parallel, consecutive avenues in my neighborhood in Manhattan, where I live with my husband and daughter. While these two thoroughfares never intersect, they exist simultaneously, and represent New York’s nuances beyond the neutral. As a diehard New Yorker, I feel my designs occupy the space between the two avenues, merging the sophistication of Park with the eclecticism of Lex.
I've been a maker my entire life. My mom taught me to crochet and knit, needlepoint, and bead from a very young age. More importantly, she instilled in me the confidence to trust my gut when designing, value the "happy accident," and use colors that feel right instead of dwelling on color theory.
Those who know me know that, wherever I am, my mom is probably close by. After teaching me everything she knew, we started learning new things together, and eventually started our own business in 2006. We co-authored Bead Crochet Jewelry: An Inspired Journey Through 27 Designs (St. Martin’s Griffin 2012) so that we could share our expertise on a broader scale. My mom continues to be an integral part of Park & Lex as a design consultant and (perhaps most importantly) my Chief Executive Astrologer, who guides me through all planetary upheaval.
I make things because I need to. For me, creating things by hand is not a choice but a necessity - like breathing. But I'm equally driven by the need to make people happy.
By offering you a piece of jewelry that makes you feel more beautiful, working with you to design the perfect gift, or creating a collection of customized pieces for your bridal party, I'm constantly striving to make your day a little brighter.
Contact me to tell me how I can bring a little more color into your life!
More About My Process

Everything about gemstones - including their history, where they're found, and how they're fashioned and brought to market - has always had a special and exotic allure for me.
I carefully choose beads for their richness in color, evenness in cut, and overall quality. Long-standing relationships with vendors in New York City, who source their materials from all over the world, enable me to find exactly what I’m seeking. Anything I can’t find in New York can usually be acquired by traveling to trade shows around the country.
I make all the beadwork by hand in-house, stringing the beads and stitching them together one at a time using a traditional techniques to create flexible cords. Because of the hand-work involved and the natural variation of gemstone beads, no two pieces are ever identical, making each treasure uniquely yours.
I care about the world around me. I make as much as I can sustainable, and I’m doing that one step at a time. Jewelry is a "forever" item that should get passed down through generations, so it should be made with longevity in mind. Wearing a piece over time becomes part of that piece’s history.
I do my best to investigate where the gemstones are mined and cut, and ask lots of questions in order to help the industry move towards full transparency.
Many of my pieces are made to order, most are one-of-a-kind, and nothing is ever mass-produced. Production does not involve any shipping or traveling.